Dr Magnus Evertsson is a professor at the department for Industrial and Materials Science at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. He got his PhD in Machine and Vehicle Design in 2000 focusing on cone crusher modelling and simulation. In 2006 Magnus was appointed the Swedish academic Docent degree. He was appointed professor in Machine Elements in 2012. Prof Evertsson founded the research group Rock Processing Systems (CRPS) in 2002. Over the last to decades the research activities have covered fundamental modeling and crushing and screening equipment, process modelling and optimization.
The current research activities are focused on: Dynamic simulation and optimization of coarse comminution; Real-time optimization and control of crushing; DEM-modelling of comminution equipment; Simulation of environmental impact in crushing and screening processes.
Prof Evertsson has industrial experience and has worked with aggregates production for the Heidelberg Cement Group. He has also worked for 10 years as a senior process specialist at Sandvik Mining and Construction focusing on R&D of crusher equipment. Prof Evertsson is one of the founders of the spin-off company Roctim AB specializing on cone crusher control and crushing plant simulations. He is an esteemed lecturer in several courses in machine elements and he has been awarded with the Chalmers Pedagogical Prize and also multiple times a best lecturer at the mechanical engineering programme.