Malcolm has applied fundamental comminution research to design and process improvement on over 60 mines worldwide during 35 years at Mintek, UCT, and then as Professor of comminution at the JKMRC in Australia. His work is published in over 200 papers and has been presented in as many conferences worldwide. Malcolm collaborates extensively, with close compatriots on 5 continents forming the Global Comminution Collaborative (GCC) – providing an expert research and consulting base covering the full comminution process chain.
Malcolm’s research vision is of integrated total process simulation as a tool for innovation – linking geology, mining, energy and size reduction, gangue rejection and recovery into flexible process design and process optimisation. Through his research companies, Malcolm is currently applying advanced modelling techniques and knowledge of fracture to the development of new highly energy-efficient, processes enhancing and lower environmental impact equipment to be integrated into flexible processing of the future.